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A simple guy who loves family, friends and enjoys community of all kinds. I hope my experiences and perspectives on life may offer others some value. You are not an accident. You were created with a destiny. Discover it. Live it. The world needs it. The dash is what you do with what you have been given. The dash is yours and mine.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Tension of Talent Versus Trouble

 The death of Whitney Houston is sad. She had a remarkable smile and a voice unlike any I have ever heard in my 40 years' existence.  I remember hearing her songs on the radio as a kid growing up in the 1980's. All of her hits are still wildly popular today. She was special and died before her time. She sang the best rendition of the Star Spangled Banner I have ever heard. It will be hard for anyone to ever top it. I look at her death and mourn for her daughter. She lost her mom and that breaks my heart. I am not sure how I could even process that if I am her. It's easy to say Whitney was headed in this direction because she did drugs. I am not totally convinced. People everywhere have overcome addictions. Her life was not meaningless because of how it ended. None of us still living can look in the mirror and see a perfect reflection. Each one of us has messed up. We all still do. There is a tension that exists in our world between our gifts and talents and the inner desires to consume trouble. Both offer us something. The tension is fierce. We live in a fallen world where evil exists. I fall on the side of grace in most situations. It's easy to pile on. She was not perfect and neither are we.

  There have been countless celebrities who have gone the same way Whitney Houston did. Sometimes people cannot handle the fame and fortune. Not long ago I read Josh Hamilton's book about his own struggles with addiction. He recently had a setback in his own sobriety. Our hope should be that he does not have another one. We should be in his and everyone else's corner who are dealing with something similar. The fact that the person involved is a famous baseball player, celebrity, family member, neighbor, co-worker is irrelevant. We should be for people and be all-inclusive. We should want to help encourage others and offer any support we can. The world is full of stories of people whose lives have been cut short due to tragedy. Everyone will fall down. Everyone will mess up. Yes, there are consequences and no doubt people have to live with the choices they make. Whatever your shortcoming is, all of us live with the tension of our talents and the troubles that threaten their prosperity. We can help each other. Maybe use our talent to invest in helping someone else dispose of their demons.

  Each one of us have been given talents. We are all born into a world that needs what we have. We are all special people and each of us has a purpose to pursue. Whitney Houston's purpose was not to show people how to flush your gifts down the proverbial toilet. Anyone who dies tragically had more to give. None of us truly want to turn our lives upside down. Have you ever ended up somewhere and wondered how you got there? I know I sure have. I am sure she wondered that countless times. We always have a choice. I get that. We don't always make the "right" one though. Each one of us could use a little grace. People line up to take their shots. Now, I am not suggesting all of us run out there and live our lives foolishly and use the evil world excuse hoping people will give us a pass. I am simply stating that we all live in a world where the enticements of the dark reel us in and our lives take a detour. It has happened to me and probably to you too. All of us are weak. It's not an excuse but a fact. Those outside of the situation tend to focus on the failure and not the person. We have to see the pendulum swing the other way. It's time for that to change.

  The tension of our talents and the trouble that threatens them is real. We should understand that tidbit if we comprehend anything at all. There is good and evil in the world. The story as to why goes way back. Our lives are not easy and we can be enticed by the lures of what seems to be harmless. No matter what you may be prosperous in there is always something you lack. We all have to make choices every day of our lives. Drugs are bad but so is shaming people. Greed is wrong but so is excluding others. Anger is dangerous but so is belittling others. Any poison hurts. Does it matter which it is? Recently I watched my favorite inspirational movie, Dreamer. It is the story of one girl's belief that the people around her had talents greater than they imagined. If we are to live with the dash in mind we must choose to walk with people rather than giving them a "pep talk" on how to walk better. Getting in the trenches with others is action with purpose. I feel sad for the talent that was lost in Whitney Houston's death. She died too soon and that is sad. Reach out to others and extend your hand. It all starts there. Help cut the tension in half. Remember, it's about the dash.

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