After about a year away from writing I have decided to restart the blog. Hold your applause please!:)
There are so many things which go through my head every day. It's a good thing I don't say a few of them. I think I've learned to have more of a filter. Maybe that wisdom has come with age. They say you don't really hit your stride until you are in your 40's. I'm not sure who 'they' are but I'm a few years beyond the 40-year mark. Perhaps there's something more there regarding the filter. Hey, I've got a few tomorrows left to find out. I certainly hope that's the case.
I am not someone who likes to begin things just because it's a new year. I've always been a believer in starting new things all of the time. New Year's resolutions are rarely seen through. It doesn't mean we shouldn't work to be better people. However, a calendar's date shouldn't dictate when to take on a new challenge. Evaluate yourself and add or subtract each day. It's all I really know to be true for me.
I have found the blog to be my other voice. It's where I feel I can expound upon topics which I am extremely passionate about. Facebook rants are the thing of the past for me. I'm sure you are all relieved! My posts can be about work, sports, politics, family, friends, injustice or really anything I feel moved to share. The blog is my space. It's where I can be me and let the creativity flow.
I have had some people ask me about the blog and wondered if I'd be posting again. I had thought about writing posts from time to time but since last February that's all I have done. Honestly, I think I've really missed writing. I've missed using my space creatively. I've missed sharing my heart and using this God-given gift. Now I feel like a million bucks.
I don't consider myself to be anything more than a common man who wants to see other people live their lives on purpose and do it with passion. I want to see people become all our Creator intended. In doing some self-reflection I realized I wasn't living my life on purpose as it relates to writing. How can I expect others to do what I've not been doing myself. The truth is I can't. A leader worth one's salt should know better!
So, "The Dash" is back. I am excited to begin this new journey. I've redesigned the look of the page and tried to give it a fresh reset. I'm not a page designer but I do the best I can. Knowing your strengths also involves realizing your weaknesses. Writing this has given me some new focus and inspiration. I welcome it! As you move forward in your own life don't ever forget about your dash. Your life is all about it!
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