About Me

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A simple guy who loves family, friends and enjoys community of all kinds. I hope my experiences and perspectives on life may offer others some value. You are not an accident. You were created with a destiny. Discover it. Live it. The world needs it. The dash is what you do with what you have been given. The dash is yours and mine.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Forgotten Thank You

  Is it just me or did it feel like Thanksgiving was being infringed upon this year? I mean, I think I started hearing Christmas music on the radio a few weeks BEFORE Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. Growing up I always looked forward to this holiday. We lived right down the street from my uncle, aunt and cousins and each year we would get together to celebrate the festivities along with other family. Of course, with my mom's side of the family being Italian, there was not a lack of food (really delicious food). First came the ziti and meatballs and next came the turkey and all the fixins. The meal was then finished off by a selection of pies and desserts that would put Mrs. Smith to shame. I cherished those times because of the people I was with. I am thankful for them and the memories we will always have. And I would not have it if Thanksgiving was overlooked. I am grateful it was not.

  So, what's the deal? Why does it feel like the walls are closing in on one of my favorite holidays? I think like other holidays we sometimes forget about the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Of course it is always nice to gather together for a meal with people you love. I always have fun. It is a party and I love a good one. Thanksgiving is being left behind and I for one am not prepared to see it go. I want to smell the turkey cooking and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with my kids. I want to watch some good football too. The parade people don't have Santa Claus come out first do they? No, they save him for the end. It is kind of symbolic don't you think? We used to get it. Somehow things have changed. Once Thanksgiving is over by all means let's usher in the Christmas cheer. Bring out the egg nog, put up the tree and bust out the Christmas jams. But let's wait for Thanksgiving to have its time. It's time to "Occupy Thanksgiving." Now there is a cause REALLY worth taking to the streets for.

  One of the things my wife and I try to do with our kids is teach them proper manners. They might be going to a party or a friend's house and one of us will usually say, "Remember to say please and thank you." Eventually we will stop doing this as our children get older (well, I hope so). They do a good job with it most of the time. I just don't want them to ever forget to say thanks. They have a lot to be thankful for. I know I do! What about you? Do you offer your thanks and mean it? I look at my three kids and wife and think to myself I am a very fortunate individual. At forty years old I am happy with life and am excited to share it with my wife and kids. Over the years I have learned to be thankful for what I do have and try not to waste time salivating over what I don't. It's not worth it for me. The older I get the more simpler I have become. Just like we tell our kids to remember our manners let's do the same. Don't forget to say thank you. It's about actions. Put your thanks into motion. People will notice, especially those closest who need good role models.

  One of the obvious thoughts about why Thanksgiving is being infringed upon is the retail industry's desire to extend the gift-buying season. They want to garner every possible minute they can because they know we will come. It's kind of like Pavlov's dog. Many stores opened up on Thanksgiving night with others doing the same at midnight and 3 a.m. Friday morning. Yesterday when I was getting my haircut the stylist told me that there was a line starting at 8 pm Thanksgiving night to get into Best Buy. The line was wrapped around the other side of the building. It was hundreds deep! I get it. I am not trying to manage people's lives or tell others how they should live. If you like going out for the experience of shopping that early than go for it. I am just not happy with losing precious hours off of one of my favorite holidays. We need more time for dessert!

  The economy is in the crapper so the retail companies need to get in the black (hence, the title "Black Friday"). Everything comes with a cost though. I love buying gifts for people and thoroughly enjoy the Christmas season. Let's slow it down though. What's the hurry! We will have plenty of time to shop. We have computers now so that helps too! Let's enjoy each other's company and be thankful for the people in our lives. I know most of us are. I guess I don't like to feel manipulated or controlled. Do you? This year has that feel to it. I am not ready to give in and lose a day to be thankful as I spend it with people I care about so much. Let's keep the sanctity of Thanksgiving shall we! We can create our own Thanksgiving holiday memories. Maybe you already have. Keep at it and it will pay off. You are handing down something to those you care about the most. They will appreciate it. Believe me they will. Memories are forever. Walking down Fairway Drive heading to my cousins' house for the fun we were about to have was exhilarating. Of course, I always came hungry too. I can smell the ziti from here! I think they felt the same heading to our home. Don't forget to say thanks. Relish the time. Remember folks, it's about the dash!

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